Breaking Barriers: How to Seamlessly Move Your B2B Business into A D2C Brand

Business Transition from B2B TO D2C - D2C Verse

Have you ever dreamed of taking your B2B business to new heights by entering the dynamic and promising realm of D2C?

Picture this: the exhilaration of directly connecting with end consumers, harnessing the power of digital platforms, and witnessing exponential growth. Well, fellow entrepreneurs, marketers, and investors, buckle up because this article will explore the art of breaking barriers and making a seamless transition from the B2B model to the D2C space.

D2C vs. B2B Models in a Nutshell

To embark on this transformative journey, it’s crucial to understand the essence of both the D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) and B2B (Business-to-Business) models.

In the traditional B2B model, businesses primarily sell their products or services to other businesses. Think of wholesalers, suppliers, or manufacturers catering to retailers, restaurants, or corporations. It’s a world driven by bulk orders, negotiations, and long-term partnerships. An example would be a textile manufacturer supplying fabrics to various clothing brands.

On the other hand, the D2C model cuts out the intermediaries and allows businesses to reach and engage with the end consumer directly. This approach enables brands to create deeper connections, gain valuable insights, and control the entire customer experience. Think of popular D2C success stories like Casper mattresses or Warby Parker eyewear, where the companies bypassed traditional retail channels and established direct customer relationships.

By delving into the nuances of these two models, we can uncover the potential benefits and challenges that arise when transitioning from B2B to D2C.


Why Shift from B2B to D2C?

Shifting from the B2B model to the D2C space can be a game-changer for your business. Let’s explore the myriad benefits that await those who embrace this transformation.

Here are the key reasons why you should consider shifting gears;

Direct Consumer Engagement 

In the D2C space, you can establish a stronger connection with end consumers. Unlike the B2B model, where your primary customers are other businesses, D2C allows you to interact directly with the individuals who will use and benefit from your products or services. This direct engagement opens the possibility to understand consumer preferences, gather feedback, and tailor your offerings to meet their needs. Building a direct relationship with customers can foster loyalty, trust, and a deeper brand-consumer connection.

Enhanced Control of the Customer Experience 

One of the notable advantages of the D2C model is the ability to curate and control the entire customer experience. From the first touchpoint to the final purchase and beyond, you can design and optimize each step of the journey. This level of control allows you to deliver exceptional customer service, create personalized interactions, and build a memorable brand identity. By ensuring a seamless and delightful customer experience, you can differentiate your business from competitors and leave an impactful impression on your audience.

Data-Driven Insights 

Data is the fuel that powers modern businesses, and D2C offers extensive data collection and analysis opportunities. You can gather valuable insights into their behavior, preferences, and purchasing patterns by engaging directly with customers. This data-driven approach empowers you to make informed decisions, drive product innovation, and optimize your marketing strategies. 

With accurate and actionable information, you can tailor your offerings to precisely match the desires and demands of your target audience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and business growth.

Agility and Flexibility 

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, agility is critical for success. The D2C model provides the flexibility to adapt quickly to market trends, changing consumer needs, and emerging technologies. Unlike the B2B model, which often involves complex negotiations and long-term contracts, D2C allows you to experiment, iterate, and pivot swiftly. 

This agility enables your business to stay relevant, respond to real-time customer demands, and outpace competitors. Adapting and innovating rapidly is particularly advantageous in the digital era, where consumer preferences and market dynamics can shift rapidly.

Accelerate Revenue 

Shifting to the D2C model can accelerate revenue growth compared to the traditional B2B business model. In the B2B space, revenue growth often relies on securing large contracts with limited clients. However, in the D2C space, you can generate revenue through direct sales to end consumers. You can enjoy higher profit margins by eliminating intermediaries and selling directly to customers. Moreover, you have complete control over pricing, promotions, and sales strategies, allowing you to optimize revenue generation and maximize profitability.

Better Brand Visibility 

One of the key advantages of the D2C model is its ability to enhance brand visibility and recognition among the target audience. You can foster a direct relationship with your audience by engaging directly with customers through various channels, such as your website, social media, and email marketing. 

This direct engagement lets you tell your brand story, communicate your unique value proposition, and establish brand advocates. Furthermore, leveraging social media and digital marketing channels enables you to capture a larger audience base brand awareness, further enhancing your brand’s visibility in the market.

Superior Customer Engagement 

In the D2C model, customer engagement takes center stage. You can create personalized experiences, gather feedback, and build a community around your brand through direct customer interaction. This heightened engagement fosters loyalty, trust, and a sense of belonging among your customers. You can continually improve your products or services, address customer concerns, and exceed their expectations through feedback loops and ongoing interactions. 

Engaging directly with customers allows you to build a loyal customer base that backs your brand and contributes to sustainable business growth.

Direct Access to Customers’ Data 

One of the significant advantages of the D2C model is its direct access to customers’ data. You can gather valuable information on customer preferences, demographics, and behavior through direct engagement. This data becomes the foundation for informed decision-making and personalized marketing efforts. Understanding your customers more profoundly enables you to segment them effectively, tailor your messaging, and deliver targeted marketing campaigns. 

Direct access to customers’ data empowers you to build a data-driven marketing strategy, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing initiatives.

Opportunities to Expand Business Operations 

The D2C model offers ample opportunities to expand your business operations. With direct access to end consumers, you can diversify your revenue streams by introducing new product lines or services that cater to their needs. Furthermore, the D2C model allows you to expand geographically without relying on intermediaries. You can enter new markets or tap into niche segments that were previously inaccessible through the B2B model. 

This expansion of business operations increases your potential customer base and reduces dependency on a few large B2B clients, mitigating risks and creating a more resilient business model.

By embracing the shift from B2B to D2C, you can unlock many benefits, including accelerated revenue growth, enhanced brand visibility, increased customer engagement, direct customer data access, and expanded business operations. These advantages position your business for success in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.


Shifting your B2B business to the D2C space requires careful planning, strategic execution, and a deep understanding of your target audience. Here are essential steps to guide you through the transition.


  1. Market Research: Conduct deep market research to identify the potential of demand for your products or services in the D2C market. Understand consumer behavior, preferences, and trends to determine how your offerings can meet their needs directly.
  2. Build an Engaging Online Presence: Establish a compelling online presence through a well-designed website optimized for user experience. Leverage social media handles to engage with your target audience, share valuable content, and build brand awareness.
  3. Develop a Direct Sales Channel: Set up an e-commerce platform that enables customers to purchase directly from your business. Ensure a seamless and secure purchasing process, offering multiple payment options and clear product information.
  4. Personalize the Customer Experience: Tailor your marketing and communication strategies to create personalized customer experiences. Utilize customer data to segment your audience and deliver targeted messages that resonate with their needs and preferences.
  5. Focus on Customer Service: To foster trust and loyalty, invest in exceptional customer service. Provide prompt and helpful support, address customer inquiries and concerns, and continuously seek feedback to improve your offerings.
  6. Leverage Data and Analytics: Gather and analyze data on customer behavior, preferences, and buying patterns. Utilize these insights to optimize your marketing campaigns, refine your product offerings, and enhance the overall customer experience.
  7. Embrace Digital Marketing Strategies: Utilize various digital marketing channels such as social media advertising, email marketing, content creation, and search engine optimization to reach and engage your target audience effectively.
  8. Nurture Relationships and Advocacy: Cultivate customer relationships by consistently delivering value and personalized experiences. Encourage customer feedback and reviews, and leverage satisfied customers to become brand advocates who promote your business organically.
  9. Continuously Innovate and Adapt: Stay agile and responsive to market changes, consumer trends, and emerging technologies. Continuously innovate your products or services, leverage new channels, and explore partnerships to stay ahead of the competition and meet evolving customer expectations.

By following these steps, you can successfully shift your B2B business to the D2C space, tapping into its immense opportunities and creating a direct and engaging relationship with your customers. 


Examples of Fast-Growing Brands that Shifted from B2B to D2C

This section will delve into real-world examples of fast-growing brands that successfully transitioned from the B2B model to the D2C space. These success stories inspire and provide valuable insights into the strategies and tactics these brands employ to achieve remarkable growth.

Let’s explore a few notable examples.


Originally a B2B electronics component supplier, Xiaomi made a strategic shift to the D2C model and became one of the fastest-growing smartphone brands in the world. Xiaomi offered high-quality devices at competitive prices by cutting out middle agents and selling directly to consumers. The brand leveraged its strong online presence, embraced social media engagement, and adopted a customer-centric approach to building a loyal fan base. Xiaomi’s direct-to-consumer strategy allowed them to rapidly gain market share and expand their product portfolio beyond smartphones.

Paper Boat 

Paper Boat, an Indian beverage brand, transitioned from being a B2B supplier to launching its own D2C business. Through its nostalgic and innovative marketing campaigns, Paper Boat tapped into the emotions and memories associated with traditional Indian beverages. They established a direct relationship and built a strong brand identity by directly engaging with consumers through their website and online platforms. 

Paper Boat’s D2C approach enabled them to create unique flavors, launch limited edition products, and deliver a delightful customer experience that resonated with their target audience.


Lenskart, an Indian eyewear brand, began as a B2B supplier before transitioning to a successful D2C business. Leveraging its online platform, Lenskart offered consumers a wide range of affordable and fashionable eyewear options. They introduced virtual try-on technology, making it easier for customers to choose suitable frames. By offering a seamless customer experience, innovative marketing campaigns, and a vital after-sales service, Lenskart placed itself as a trusted brand in the Indian eyewear market.

These examples demonstrate the potential for growth and success when businesses strategically shift from B2B to D2C. By embracing direct-to-consumer strategies, leveraging digital platforms, and prioritizing customer engagement, these brands were able to create a direct relationship with their customers, drive sales, and build strong brand identities.


Closing Note

The business landscape is evolving rapidly, and the shift from the traditional B2B model to the dynamic D2C space is becoming increasingly prevalent. As explored in this blog, leaping D2C offers many benefits, from accelerated revenue growth and enhanced brand visibility to increased customer engagement and direct access to valuable consumer data.

The benefits of D2C extend beyond revenue growth, enabling businesses to establish meaningful connections with their customers and gather invaluable data that drive informed decision-making.

As you contemplate moving your B2B business into the D2C space, remember that success lies in understanding your target audience, delivering exceptional value, and continuously innovating to stay ahead.

So, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? The world of D2C awaits, offering boundless opportunities for those daring enough to seize them. Unleash your creativity and watch your business soar to new heights in the D2C space.


Top 8 Common Challenges Faced by D2C Brands and How to Overcome Them

Top 10 Common Challenges Faced by D2C Brands | D2CVerse

With the advent of internet, marketing automation, and evolving tech, the Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) business model is rapidly gaining momentum. The D2C business model involves selling products directly to consumers without any intermediaries such as retailers, wholesalers, or distributors. 

While this model offers several benefits such as increased profit margins, better control over customer experience, and a direct relationship with customers, it also comes with its own set of challenges. 

Here are top 8 common challenges faced by D2C brands:

  1. Inventory Management and Supply Chain
  2. Customer Acquisition and Retention
  3. Building Brand Awareness and Trust
  4. Balancing Pricing and Profitability
  5. Managing Customer Experience and Satisfaction
  6. Scaling Operations and Managing Growth
  7. Staying Agile in a Dynamic Market
  8. Leveraging Technology and Data Analytics

In order to overcome these challenges, here are some solutions and strategies that have been proven in the real world:

1. Inventory Management and Supply Chain

Inventory management

Balancing inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing excess stock is one of the biggest challenges faced by D2C brands. Optimizing supply chain logistics for efficient order fulfillment is also crucial to ensure that customers receive their orders on time. For overcoming this obstacle, D2C brands can use inventory management software to track inventory levels and forecast demand. They can also partner with reliable logistics providers to ensure timely delivery of orders.

Real-world example: Casper, a D2C mattress company, faced inventory management challenges when they started receiving too many returns. To overcome this challenge, they started donating returned mattresses to charity and selling them at a discount. This helped them reduce inventory while giving back to the community.


2. Customer Acquisition and Retention

In a crowded market, standing out and acquiring customers is a significant challenge for D2C brands. Targeting the right audience and building customer loyalty is crucial for long-term success. To overcome these challenges, D2C brands can invest in targeted advertising and social media marketing to reach their target audience and/or invest in marketing automation tools for improved customer acquisition and customer retention. 

They can also offer personalized experiences and rewards programs to build customer loyalty and encourage repeat purchases.

Real-world example: Dollar Shave Club, a D2C razor company, gained popularity by using humor in their advertising campaigns. They also offered a subscription service, which encouraged customer loyalty and repeat purchases.

Belong to the fashion Industry?
Read this: Challenges And Implications For Fashion Startups In India.

3. Building Brand Awareness and Trust

Establishing a strong brand identity and value proposition is crucial for D2C brands. Overcoming consumer skepticism and gaining trust in the absence of physical retail presence is also a significant challenge. An effective solution around this challenge is that D2C brands can invest in building a strong brand identity through consistent branding, messaging, and packaging. They can also leverage customer reviews and social proof to build trust with potential customers.

Real-world example: Warby Parker, a D2C eyewear company, established a strong brand identity by offering affordable, stylish glasses and a try-before-you-buy program. They also made a conscious effort to give back to the community, which helped build trust with their customers.


4. Balancing Pricing and Profitability

pricing & profitability

Pricing strategies for maximizing profitability without compromising value is a balancing act for D2C brands. Overcoming price perception challenges in a crowded market is also a significant challenge. D2C brands can conduct market research to understand their target audience’s price sensitivity and adjust pricing strategies accordingly. They can also highlight the value proposition of their products and offer competitive pricing to stand out in a crowded market.

Real-world example: Allbirds, a D2C shoe company, offers sustainable, comfortable shoes at a reasonable price point. They also highlight their environment-friendly practices, which adds value to their products and justifies the pricing.


5. Managing Customer Experience and Satisfaction

customer satisfaction

Providing seamless and personalized online shopping experiences is crucial for D2C brands. Addressing customer concerns and resolving issues promptly is also essential to ensure customer satisfaction. To remedy this situation, D2C brands can invest in providing a user-friendly website and mobile app, offering multiple payment and shipping options, and providing excellent customer support.

Real-world example: Glossier, a D2C beauty company, provides a seamless shopping experience by offering a simple, easy-to-navigate website and free shipping on orders over a certain amount. They also have a strong social media presence, which allows them to engage with their customers and provide excellent customer support.

Click here to find out: How to Use Customer Feedback to Maximise D2C Success

6. Scaling Operations and Managing Growth

Ensuring operational efficiency as the business expands is a significant challenge for D2C brands. Strategies for scaling customer support and logistics capabilities are crucial to ensure smooth operations. As a solution, D2C brands can invest in automation and technology solutions to streamline processes. They can also partner with third-party logistics providers to handle warehousing, shipping, and order fulfillment.

Real-world example: Harry’s, a D2C razor company, partnered with a German razor manufacturer to ensure consistent quality as they scaled their operations. They also invested in automation and technology to streamline their supply chain and improve efficiency.


7. Staying Agile in a Dynamic Market

Adapting to changing consumer trends and market dynamics is crucial for D2C brands. Embracing innovation and staying ahead of competitors is essential to stay relevant in a dynamic market. To overcome these challenges, D2C brands can invest in innovation and new product development to stay ahead of the curve. They can also conduct market research to stay up-to-date with changing consumer trends and preferences.

Real-world example: Peloton, a D2C fitness company, constantly innovates by adding new features and content to their platform. They also invest in research and development to stay ahead of competitors and offer a unique, personalized fitness experience.

8. Leveraging Technology and Data Analytics

data analytics

Harnessing technology solutions for streamlining processes and gaining insights is crucial for D2C brands. Using data analytics to drive informed decision-making and optimize business strategies is also essential for long-term success. To override this obstacle, D2C brands can invest in technology solutions such as inventory management software, customer relationship management software, and data analytics tools to gain insights and streamline processes.

Real-world example: Stitch Fix, a D2C clothing company, uses data analytics to personalize their styling recommendations for each customer. They also use customer feedback and data to optimize their inventory and improve customer satisfaction.

The D2C business model offers several benefits, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. By understanding and addressing the top 8 common challenges mentioned above, D2C businesses can achieve hyper-growth in this space.

D2C Verse Hosts Bengaluru’s First-Ever Fashion Event With 250+ Shark Tank Fame Founders and Influencers

D2c Verse Event 2023 Highlights

D2C Verse hosted the hottest Bengaluru fashion event where over 250 CXOs and Shark Tank fame founders came together under one roof.

  • Chinu Kala of Rubans Accessories, Aakriti Rawal, Co-Founder and CEO of House of Chikankari, Udit Toshniwal of The [Pant] Project, Siddharth Dungarwala, the Founder of Snitch at the Ultimate Panelist Squad moderated by Mukul Bafana, CEO and Co-Founder of OMUNI.
  • A glamorous fashion show where brands like Globus, The [Pant] Project, The Indian Garage Company, Mulmul and more showcased their latest collection.
  • On the spectacular evening, some of the finest D2C brands earned well-deserved recognition with the prestigious D2C Verse Awards for their hard work, consistency and success.
  • Keynote speaker Kulin Lalbhai, the Executive Director at Arvind Ltd, spoke about the real power of brands who have aced the “omni-channel” strategy.

The future of fashion is here. 

On May 20, 2023, amidst a stormy evening in Bengaluru, D2C Verse hosted the first-ever ‘Fashion Meets Business’ event at The Lalit, Bengaluru to bring 250+ D2C fashion brands under one roof to help them network, learn and grow.

In its fourth edition, the startup networking event aimed to bridge the gap between the world of fashion and business, inspiring attendees with thought-provoking discussions, captivating fashion showcases, and prestigious awards.

Some of the finest CXOs and Shark Tank fame founders answered burning questions to help first-time founders grow, secure funding and reach a wide audience. Creators and influencers from the fashion industry who share a common love for fashion, entrepreneurship, and innovation also graced the event.

The event kicked off with a captivating keynote speech by Kulin Lalbhai, the Executive Director at Arvind Ltd, who shared insights into how emerging fashion brands can thrive in the digital space. He emphasized the power of brands that have successfully implemented an “omnichannel” strategy, highlighted the role of technology in reshaping the fashion industry, and stressed the importance of embracing eco-friendly and sustainable practices.

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Keynote Kulin Lalbhai D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Keynote
Kulin Lalbhai, the Executive Director at Arvind Ltd, sharing insights on how
emerging fashion brands can thrive in the digital space.

Following the keynote address, a fashion show unfolded, featuring an array of brands that left onlookers in awe. It was all glitz and glamour on show as models sashayed the ramp to showcase the latest collection from brands like The [Pant] Project, Globus, Mulmul, The Indian Garage Company, Gillori, Burger Bae, The Bear House and Wabi Sabi.

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Fashion Show - Mulmul D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Fashion Show - The Pant Project D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Fashion Show - Wabi Sabi
D2C Verse: Fashion Show done by Mulmul, The Pant Project, Wabi Sabi

The Runway Became A Vibrant Stage For Creativity And Self-Expression.

Prominent names such as House Of Formals, Turms, Rapawalk, Ornate Jewels, The Ethnic Co, Globus, The Indian Garage Company, Burger Bae, Hellcat, The Bear House and many more showcased their products, captivating the audience with their unique styles and designs. 

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Product Showcase, HOF D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Product Showcase, Turms
D2C Verse: Product Showcase by House of Formals and Turms

The Ultimate Panelist Squad—moderated by Mukul Bafana, CEO and Co-Founder of OMUNI—presented an exclusive opportunity to meet four awesome founders and learn from their journey:   

  • Udit Toshniwal, Founder & Creative Director, The [Pant] Project
  • Chinu Kala, Founder, Rubans Accessories
  • Aakriti Rawal, Co-Founder & CEO, House Of Chikankari
  • Siddharth Dungarwala, Founder, Snitch


Panelist on stage with Moderator Mukul Bafana and Participants – Udit Toshniwal -The [Pant] Project,
Chinu Kala – Rubans Accessories, Aakriti Rawal – House Of Chikankari, Siddharth Dungarwala – Snitch

All four entrepreneurs shared their personal journeys and offered valuable insights along with an exclusive opportunity for attendees to learn from their experiences.

The pinnacle of excitement came with the announcement of the awards as D2C Verse Trophies were handed over to deserving brands to recognize the remarkable achievements, celebrating their hard work, consistency, and success. 

The recipients of the prestigious awards included The Bear House, House Of Chikankari, Rubans, and Snitch, who were honored for their outstanding contributions to the industry. 

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Awards, House Of Chikankari D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Awards, The Bear House

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Awards, Rubans
Award Presentation done by Umair Mohammed & Vishesh Khurana to Aakriti Rawal – House of
Chikanakari, Harsh Somaiya – The Bear House & Chinu Kala – Rubans

Umair Mohammed, the visionary behind the event and the Founder and CEO of Wigzo Technologies, expressed his gratitude to everyone who made the event possible. Despite the torrential rain, the ‘D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business’ event successfully created an atmosphere of connection and inspiration among attendees, fostering a sense of community within the fashion industry.

D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business Event - Umair Keynote
Ending The D2C Fashion Event By Umair Mohammed

The event served as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation within the fashion and business realms. It provided a platform for founders, marketers, enablers, creators, and connoisseurs to come together, exchange ideas, and form meaningful connections. ‘D2CVerse Fashion Meets Business’ truly exemplified the potential that lies at the intersection of fashion and entrepreneurship, igniting a spark of creativity and ambition within all who attended.

The event served as a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation within the fashion and business realms. 

It provided a platform for founders, marketers, enablers, creators, and connoisseurs to come together, exchange ideas, and form meaningful connections. ‘D2CVerse – Fashion Meets Business’ truly exemplified the potential that lies at the intersection of fashion and entrepreneurship, igniting a spark of creativity and ambition within all who attended.

RattanIndia Enterprises enters D2C fashion brands space with Neobrands

fashion blog image- d2cverse

RattanIndia Enterprises has established Neobrands as a wholly-owned subsidiary to enter the expanding apparel fashion market. Neobrands will be a collection of brands in various fashion categories, including casual wear, denim, athleisure, and performance clothing.

The initial phase of Neobrands will focus on selling all of these brands directly to consumers through e-commerce channels. Anjali Rattan, the chairwoman of RattanIndia Enterprises Company, expressed that the company has been working towards introducing its own direct-to-consumer fashion brands in different categories over the past year.


“The fashion industry in India is witnessing remarkable growth, with a huge demand for trendy and premium quality brands. Our brands across multiple categories are poised to capture this market opportunity by offering fashionable, yet affordable clothing options for men and women,” she said.

According to RattanIndia, the fashion e-commerce market size is currently estimated to be Rs 80,000 crore and is growing at a healthy rate of 30% per annum. Anjali Rattan added that the fashion e-commerce market is expected to grow to Rs 2,50,000 crore per annum over the next five years. This growth is being led by a smartphone-enabled digital native young population.

7 Fashion Events Happening In India In 2023

Fashion Week Blog - D2CVerse

Fashion Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brands have been on the rise in recent years, with more and more people opting to shop for their fashion needs online. This trend can be attributed to the convenience of online shopping, the wider selection of products available, and the competitive pricing offered by D2C brands.
According to recent stats, the global D2C fashion market is expected to reach $46.2 billion by 2025, highlighting the growing popularity of this shopping trend.

If you’re a fashion enthusiast looking to explore the latest trends and styles, attending a fashion event is a must. These events offer a unique opportunity to see the latest collections from top designers and brands, as well as discover emerging talents in the industry. In India, a country known for its vibrant fashion scene, there are several fashion-related events happening in 2023 that are worth checking out.

Top Fashion Events in 2023

If you are looking for an opportunity to showcase your talents, products or services in the D2C fashion space, the D2CVerse fashion event along with others listed in the blog will be a great fit for you.

Whether you’re a fashion student, a professional in the industry, or simply a fashion enthusiast, attending one of these events can be a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and connect with like-minded individuals.

So mark your calendars and get ready to experience the best of Indian fashion in 2023!

Here are the top fashion events in 2023 in India.

1. D2CVerse Fashion Event

Date: 20th May 2023
Time: 4:00 pm onwards
Venue: The Lalit, Bengaluru, India

Behold for one of the most awaited fashion events in India in 2023 – the D2CVerse fashion event in Bengaluru.
This exclusive event is meant for all D2C fashion brands in the country where they can meet and greet each other. Hosted by Wigzo by Shiprocket, the D2CVerse fashion event is a fantastic opportunity for founders to socialize with the likes of them and showcase their products. Besides networking, founders and influencers in the D2C fashion space can also expect exclusive awards in various categories.

This event is a social mixer, a launch platform, and a recognition stage where creative fashion brands can find their growth sweetspot.

If you have got a D2C brand or are an enthusiastic founder in this space, this event is a must for you to attend!

Book Your Tickets Here

2. Lakme Fashion Week

Date: 23rd Aug 2023 Onwards
Time: TBA
Venue: Mumbai, India

Lakme Fashion Week is one of the most prestigious fashion events in India. The event features some of the biggest names in the Indian fashion industry, including designers, models, and celebrities.

The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops. Attendees can expect to see the latest trends in Indian fashion and connect with industry professionals.

3. India Fashion Week

Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: New Delhi, India

India Fashion Week is a platform for emerging and established designers to showcase their latest collections. The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops.

Attendees can expect to see a diverse range of styles and designs, from traditional Indian wear to contemporary Western wear.

4. Amazon India Fashion Week

Date: 11th – 15th October 2023
Time: TBA
Venue: New Delhi, India

Amazon India Fashion Week is a platform for Indian designers to showcase their latest collections. The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops.

Attendees can expect to see the latest trends in Indian fashion and connect with industry professionals.

5. Bangalore Fashion Week

Date: 22nd-25th June 2023
Time: TBA
Venue: Bangalore, India

Looking for fashion events in Bangalore in 2023?Bangalore Fashion Week is a platform for emerging and established designers to showcase their latest collections. The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops.

Attendees can expect to see a diverse range of styles and designs, from traditional Indian wear to contemporary Western wear.

6. Kolkata Fashion Week

Date: 11th-14th May 2023
Time: TBA
Venue: Kolkata, India

Kolkata Fashion Week is a platform for emerging and established designers to showcase their latest collections. The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops.
Attendees can expect to see a diverse range of styles and designs, from traditional Indian wear to contemporary Western wear.

7. India Couture Week

Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Venue: New Delhi, India

India Couture Week is a platform for Indian designers to showcase their latest couture collections. The event features a range of activities, including fashion shows, talks, and workshops.

Attendees can expect to see some of the most stunning couture designs and connect with industry professionals.

Out of all these events, the D2CVerse Fashion Event is the most exciting one for participants and entrepreneurs as it focuses on D2C fashion brands. Attendees can expect to see the latest trends in D2C fashion and connect with industry professionals in the field.

If you’re a fashion enthusiast looking to explore the latest trends and styles, attending any of these events is a must.

Stay tuned for more D2C knowledge!

Luxury Made Affordable: Why Renting Is The Buzzword In The Fashion Industry

Fashion Events Blog - D2C Verse

In recent years, the fashion industry has seen a significant shift in the way people consume high-end fashion. The concept of luxury rentals has been around for quite some time, but it has gained significant traction in the past few years, providing affordable access to high-end fashion for young consumers. Luxury rentals offer a unique value proposition, combining factors such as exclusivity, craftsmanship, and heritage. The luxury rental market is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11% from 2021 to 2031 globally, with India being one of the fastest-growing markets.

Many players have entered the luxury rental space in India, offering high-end bags, shoes, clothes and more at a fraction of the cost of the product. Neeraj Wadhera, the founder of Wrapd, a luxury rental boutique with six stores across India, started the business in 2009 to address the issue of excess clothing storage. Since then, many players have entered the luxury rental space in India that cater for products such as high-end bags, shoes, clothes, and more.

Aanchal Saini, CEO of Flyrobe, founded Rent it Bae in 2016 to address a simple problem that youngsters faced. “We often have a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. Having worn every outfit in our closet at least once, we never have anything new to wear every time we go out. Hence, we began the business with a narrow approach: bringing the latest fashion to people’s doorstep without spending much money. As a result, we established Rent it Bae, in 2016 as a luxury fashion rental service that rents ethnic, western, and accessories from designer labels and brands at a fraction of the cost,” she expresses. In 2019, they acquired Flyrobe, India’s largest fashion rental company, and today offer thousands of options from designers such as Sabyasachi and Anamika Khanna.

The luxury rental market in India is being driven by Gen Z and millennial consumers and the growing popularity of luxury brands. Consumers want high-end fashion without paying a hefty price tag. Luxury rentals provide a sustainable and accessible option, allowing consumers to diversify their wardrobes without burning a hole in their pockets.

Whenever we think of fashion, we perceive it to be women-centric. However, the luxury rental market has seen men partake equally. “For each bridal lehenga we rent out, five sherwanis are being rented by men. The reason is simple – most men are practical about their wedding attire and understand that they will probably never re-wear it. Women are more likely to be sentimental about their outfits; hence they choose to buy,” Wadhera explains.

Experts also suggest that India’s fashion industry’s growing luxury rental market indicates a more significant trend towards more sustainable and responsible consumption. Luxury rentals promote the mantra of “reduce, reuse, recycle,” offering a more cost-effective alternative to traditional retail. However, there are still several issues that plague the rental business model, such as inventory problems, transportation, and ensuring the authenticity and quality of rentals over an extended period. Cheaper replicas also eat away at the business.
The question of whether luxury rental makes a brand less “luxury” is a complex one. While some might argue that it dilutes the exclusivity of luxury brands, others like Aanchal Saini believe that luxury rentals can actually increase brand exposure and awareness. By offering their products through rental services, luxury brands can attract customers who may not have otherwise been able to afford their products. This can lead to a wider customer base and ultimately increased sales of full-priced items in the long run.

Moreover, luxury rentals offer another unique value proposition: the ability for consumers to “try before they buy.” This allows customers to experience the brand’s products firsthand, potentially leading to increased confidence in purchasing full-priced items later on. Additionally, luxury rentals can be a sustainable and accessible option for consumers, promoting responsible consumption and environmental awareness.

The Verdict

The luxury rental market, especially in the Indian context, presents a promising future for sustainable fashion. Not only does it offer an affordable way for consumers to access high-end fashion, but it also promotes sustainability in the fashion industry.

As the market continues to grow, we can expect to see more and more consumers embracing luxury rentals as a practical and responsible way to enjoy luxury fashion.

Stay tuned for more insights into the D2C Verse – your own knowledge hub of how e-commerce brands can unlock their full potential with latest techs and trends!

Time For Change: Challenges And Implications For Fashion Startups In India

Fashion Startup Challenges - D2CVerse Blog

Fashion Startup: The year 2020 has brought about a major change in the shopping behavior of customers, leading to new implications for this industry. After navigating through these changes, businesses are now poised to make a comeback after facing unexpected consequences due to the pandemic. With the shift to remote work, people were forced to alter their purchasing behaviors, resulting in changes to both workplace and home attire. While the pandemic has posed serious challenges to the fashion industry, it has also created opportunities for change.

Some of the changes that have come about due to the pandemic include an increased focus on sustainability and ethical production. Customers are now more conscious of the impact of their purchases and are demanding transparency from brands. This has led to an increase in demand for sustainable and ethically produced clothing. Fashion startups in India need to adapt to these changes and incorporate sustainable and ethical practices into their business models in order to stay relevant in the ever-changing market.

Obstacles Ahead of Indian Fashion Startups

Startups in the fashion industry are facing obstacles in recovering from the revenue lost during the pandemic. In order to make a comeback, they need to implement relevant and wise strategies.

Improving Sales

The pandemic has had a significant impact on the sales of fashion startups in India. With physical stores closed for several months, startups have struggled to maintain revenue streams. Post-Covid, customers are more conscious of their purchases and are looking for a clear and compelling reason to buy clothes, footwear, and accessories. Given the current situation of partial lockdowns in different states of India, there is no scope for outings and parties, which adds to the challenge of improving sales. The apparel and manufacturing sector has experienced a discouraging decline due to store closures and stay-at-home orders from state governments. Fashion startups need to implement relevant and wise strategies to improve sales and adapt to the changing market to stay relevant.

Mapping Relevant Customer Demands

When it comes to demand, there are three key trends that are directly impacting consumers and their purchases: value for money, sustainability, and digitalization. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware and conscious of their shopping needs, and they are looking for products and services that meet their needs in all three of these areas.

Value for money has been an important consideration for consumers for many years, but this trend has become even more pronounced in recent times as a result of the economic uncertainty caused by the global pandemic. Consumers are looking for products and services that offer good value for money, and they are willing to shop around to find the best deals.

Sustainability is another key trend that is impacting consumers’ purchasing decisions. Consumers are becoming more aware of the impact that their purchases have on the environment, and they are looking for products and services that are environmentally friendly. This trend is particularly strong among younger consumers, who are more likely to be concerned about the environment and the impact of their actions on the planet.

Finally, digitalization is a trend that is impacting all aspects of our lives, including our shopping habits. With the rise of e-commerce and the increasing use of mobile devices, consumers are becoming more comfortable with shopping online, and they are looking for businesses that have a strong digital presence. A digital presence is key to acquiring and retaining customers, and businesses that fail to embrace digitalization are likely to fall behind their competitors.

Cost Controlling is Critical

In the early stages of their business, many entrepreneurs may not prioritize investing in technology and instead may have to manually reconcile transactions with both buyers and suppliers. This can involve a tedious computation process to assess GST, leading to a lot of back-and-forth and time-consuming record keeping. To address this challenge, it is important for startups to consider innovative strategies such as reducing inventory costs, improving marketing efficiency, streamlining shipping processes, and managing order returns effectively.

Also read, Top 8 Common Challenges Faced by D2C Brands and How to Overcome Them

What Are the Implications for Fashionpreneurs?

The fashion startup ecosystem has been significantly impacted by the outbreak of the pandemic. As a result, several implications have emerged.

Sustainability First Approach

In the fashion industry, “sustainability” now refers to many things, like CSR, diversity, and inclusion. People are more likely to buy from brands that support issues they care about.

The demand for sustainable fashion is expected to continue growing as consumers become increasingly aware of the damage caused by fast fashion and the scarcity of resources. It is imperative for brands to shift their focus towards creating products that are ethically made and economically feasible. Wastefulness and cruelty are no longer attractive to customers, and fashion brands looking to generate profits must adapt their thought processes and strategies to navigate the post-pandemic fashion tastes of their customers. Slow fashion, which nurtures and protects the environment, is key to ensuring future business profits.

Importance of Digital Marketing

With the pandemic causing physical stores to close, businesses have had to shift their focus to online sales. As a result, digital marketing has become more important than ever before. Fashion startups need to invest in creating a strong digital presence in order to attract and retain customers. This includes developing a user-friendly website, creating engaging social media content, and utilizing email marketing to stay in touch with customers.

Collaborations and Partnerships

Collaborations and partnerships are great ways for fashion startups to increase their visibility and reach new customers. By partnering with other brands, startups can tap into new markets and expand their customer base. For example, a sustainable fashion brand could partner with a vegan makeup brand to create a curated collection of eco-friendly products.

Investing More in Creative Marketing Strategies

In order to stand out in a crowded market, fashion startups need to be creative with their marketing strategies. This could include hosting virtual events, creating engaging video content, or launching a social media campaign that encourages user-generated content. By thinking outside the box, startups can differentiate themselves from their competitors and attract a loyal customer base.

Respecting Customer Sentiments

In the coming years, millennials will become the largest demographic worldwide, with a significant portion of their spending allocated to fashion. As a generation that prioritizes the overall sustainability of the planet, fashion brands will need to cater to their demands. Everything from the methods used to grow and treat raw materials to the conditions of laborers in the industry will have a significant impact on future business. Consumers will want to buy from brands that align with their values and care about their emotions.

Closing Note

Fashion brands, whether established or startups, are responding to evolving consumer shopping behavior by offering comfortable clothing options. Fashion brands can increase their business during and after the wave of the pandemic is finally over, by gaining insight into current market trends and future potential, as well as implementing effective marketing and pricing strategies.

Holding an optimistic future for the Indian Fashion Ecosystem, especially the one driven by digital technologies and is much more resilient, is definitely not too ambitious.

Just In Time: Pioneer of the Omnichannel Watch Chain

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Who doesn’t like luxury? When it comes to keeping time in style, the tick-tock of a luxury watch is music to the ears. It represents something timeless, classy and precious – to be held on to and passed down with love, appreciation and pride.

Indians are increasingly mollycoddled for choice when it comes to splurging some of their disposable income on luxury watches, as the market for them is rising further and further. Studies indicate that the Indian watch market will be worth an estimated US$ 2.5 Bn by 2024 and grow rapidly at a CAGR of 20.32% till 2028. What can you expect? The younger, fashion-conscious generation is taking watch shopping to new heights with 13% demand. The upswing suits the phrase ‘time is money’, JUST IN TIME.

For many years, Just In Time has been the purveyor of luxury watches and a global fashion powerhouse, becoming a household name and gaining millions of loyal customers. This is due to the unstoppable force of omnichannel marketing and distribution!

A plethora of beloved luxury goods and fashion brands, including Versace, Ferragamo, Emporio Armani, Casio, Fossil, Nautica, Timex, Micheal Kors, Helix, Longines, Guess, Calvin Klein, Diesel, Boss, and more are brought together in an ever-growing and truly enticing brand ecosystem.


What’s the secret behind their success over the past 15 years?


Well, here’s the whole story! It all began in 2006 when Just In Time opened its first store in Mumbai, and the journey has continued ever since. In 2012, they opened those glossy doors in Pune. Then, in 2014, they graced Ahmedabad and Bangalore in 2021. In 2023, the people of Indore got their own Just In Time too. The company has a 1 lac sq. ft. retail footprint across India.

Now, their reach extends across 12 cities with 55+ stores, and it’s not just about having stores everywhere. They have also managed to keep 1 out 5 customers and have had over 5 million customers overall.

Although traditional retailing had a significant impact, it could only realise its full potential by being joined by other forces.


The role of omnichannel experience in customer stickiness?


Offline x E-commerce

Just In Time moved innovatively towards the modern market, specifically focusing on providing users with unparalleled shopping experiences. This allowed for efficient real estate regulation, inventory and operational costs, and remarkable visibility across multiple sales channels. It allows the brand to offer luxury products and gives users a unified and enjoyable shopping experience. Furthermore, it encourages fast delivery and return on items, allowing a better solution than seasonal demand.

Geo Local Marketing

Just In Time utilised location-based data to identify the exact whereabouts of its potential customers, thereby creating highly relevant customer communications. For instance, when customers were in the shopping mall, the company homed in on them with tempting SMS marketing offers, such as discounts, near-store services and many more. With this strategy, Just In Time provided the perfect message for the right person at the ideal time.

Customization & Personalisation deal

Today’s consumers are after something special, something that’s 100% unique to them. Just In Time offers countless personalized watches with the option for added customisation. From sapphires, emeralds and gemstones to engravings and miniature paintings – you can design your watch, a one-of-a-kind item that will make a truly personal statement at good deals & discounts.

Festive Offers

During the Holi season, Just In Time offered 20-40% off on Timex, Titan, Skagen, Helix, Michael Kors, Fossil, and other brands. The seasonal deals & discounts keep showing up on the website.

Local Store experience marketing

Just In Time knows the secret of success: targeting the neighbourhood customers and driving them to the store with attractive deals and discounts while providing seamless customer service & support. Their omnichannel strategy creates excitement and enthusiasm with customers receiving in-store discounts and festive offers – making for an effective impulsive buying experience for shoppers.

Every detail is taken care of, from knowing customers’ names to ensuring a rewarding and easy shopping experience to earn loyalty.

Online service booking

With over 55+ state-of-the-art authorized brand service centers, Just In Time successfully served over 10 million satisfied customers!

The company offers a wide range of services such as movement services, ultrasonic cleaning, battery change, strap change, polishing and parts’ replacement. You can book these services online from the comfort of your home or simply visit one of their stores, where the experts will provide you with the best care.

Pan India Delivery

To remain competitive, Just In Time saw the potential in 2018 to leap ecommerce. A foresighted decision to provide PAN INDIA customers with an omnichannel experience has paid off–the company now boasts 85000+ followers on Meta, exhibiting its success in the D2C space.


The success story of Just In Time is a testament to the power of combining a strong business strategy with a clear understanding of the customer. By leveraging their omnichannel approach, they have created a successful watch chain business that meets customer demands and offers a unique and convenient shopping experience. With their continued focus on innovation, quality products, and customer satisfaction, Just In Time watches will remain a watch industry leader for years.

Shark Tank India: 10 Exceptional Brands You Must Try!

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Shark Tank India, the Indian version of the popular American business reality show, has become a sensation among the Indian audience. The show features young entrepreneurs from across the country who pitch their startups or business models to a panel of Angel Investors, seeking funding for their ventures.

The show’s intriguing concept has captured the attention of business enthusiasts and aspiring entrepreneurs, making it a must-watch series. In this article, we will introduce you to ten exceptional brands that have been featured on Shark Tank India.

Stay tuned to discover innovative products and business ventures that have caught the attention of the esteemed investors on the show.

Here is the list of 10 exceptional Indian brands on Shark Tank India


Keto India

Keto India, founded by Sahil Pruthi, is the largest Keto Consulting Company in India. Their main focus is helping people with chronic issues such as PCOS, Diabetes, and Thyroid through dietary changes. Their plan does not only aim for weight loss but also targets getting rid of chronic issues. To date, they have helped over 3,000 patients in India and around the world. If you are looking for dietary changes and are interested in the keto diet, be sure to check them out!



Yangkiez is not your average Chinese restaurant. Started by a womanpreneur, also known as the Momo Mami from the Himalayan region, this restaurant offers an extensive menu that will make any momo lover’s heart skip a beat. With all-natural ingredients and no preservatives, you can indulge in authentic Himalayan momos that are juicy, delicious, and worth the hype. Our top recommendations from the menu include the flavorful Baozza Dumplings and the scrumptious Pirro Pirro Dumplings.

Don’t miss out on this unique dining experience from the Shark Tank’s top brand Yangkiez!


Beyond Water

Beyond Water was founded by Devang Singhania and Shachi Singhania to provide a healthy, convenient, and flavorful beverage option to the public. They recognized that drinking plain water can be monotonous, so they developed a line of all-natural, expertly curated flavors to enhance the taste of their water. By adding these flavors, Beyond Water has managed to transform the experience of drinking water from a mundane task to a fun and enjoyable one. Their unique approach to hydration has garnered a lot of attention and has made them a popular choice among health-conscious consumers.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to try this interesting brand – take a look at their website and order your favorite flavored water today!



Get-A-Whey is a healthy ice cream brand that was born out of an experiment conducted by two engineers and their mother. The team’s goal was to create a delicious yet healthy dessert option for people who were trying to live a healthier lifestyle.

Since its inception less than two years ago, Get-A-Whey has taken the ice cream market by storm and has become the first choice for people looking for a guilt-free dessert option. The ice cream is made with whey protein and contains no added sugar. Its unique blend of flavors and ingredients makes it a perfect option for anyone looking to satisfy their sweet tooth without compromising on their health and fitness goals.

With Get-A-Whey, you can indulge in a healthier, yet tastier ice cream experience that will leave you feeling satisfied and energized. Whether you want to treat yourself after a long day or celebrate a special occasion, Get-A-Whey has got you covered. So why not try this delicious yet healthy dessert option and keep your diet on track?



Auli is an organic skincare brand that emphasizes lifestyle and wellness, conceptualized and created by Aishwarya Biswas. They offer a wide range of natural products, from serums to moisturizers to face oils, all packaged in chic and luxurious packaging. With options for every budget and skin type, Auli is worth checking out if you’re in the market for a new skincare range.


Farda Clothing

Farda brings Indian streetwear to a global audience through a fusion of intricate design, art, and culture. They offer a customized streetwear experience that caters to those unafraid to make a statement. Farda perceives fashion as art and encourages individuals to wear art that truly represents them.

Check out their funky and unconventional streetwear collection for both men and women or customize your own to add a touch of art and punk to your wardrobe!


Beyond Snacks

Looking for your next delicious snack? Beyond Snacks has got you covered with their authentic Kerala Banana Chips! It’s no secret that banana chips are a staple in many households, loved for their irresistible flavor and satisfying crunch. Beyond Snacks has taken it to the next level with its commitment to using only the highest quality raw materials and maintaining the most stringent standards of hygiene.

But wait, there’s more! Beyond Snacks has also introduced exciting new flavors like Peri Peri, Salt & Black Pepper, and Sour Cream Onion & Parsley. Trust us, once you try these, you won’t be able to go back to the plain old banana chips.

So why wait? Treat yourself to some scrumptious Beyond Snacks Kerala Banana Chips today and take your snacking game to the next level!


In A Can

In A Can is a venture founded by Sameer Mirajkar and Viraj Sawant during the pandemic when bars were shut, resulting in a lack of good drinks. Being cocktail connoisseurs, Sameer and Viraj picked up their bar equipment and prepared their favorite whiskey cocktail, which led to the idea of creating a ready-to-go drink. In A Can aims to provide a hassle-free bar experience with its ready-to-drink cocktail cans that are both punchy and delicious.

Try your favorite cocktail now with In A Can now!


Bamboo India

Are you looking for eco-friendly alternatives to plastic products? Look no further than Pune-based startup, Bamboo India. Founded by Mrs. Ashwini Shinde and Mr. Yogesh Shinde, Bamboo India aims to change the perception of bamboo from the “Poor Man’s Timber” to the “Wise Man’s Timber”.

Their innovative and sustainable bamboo products include toothbrushes, desk organizers, travel kits, and much more. Join the movement towards a greener future and check out Bamboo India’s range of eco-friendly products today!



Skippi Pops is a Hyderabad-based startup and India’s first popsicle brand. It was founded by Ravi Kabra & Anuja Kabra. Their products are made from 100% natural flavors and aim to reduce the intake of artificial flavors and colors. Skippi Pops offers a variety of flavors, including orange, lemon, and cola. Enjoy the goodness of ice lollies without consuming unhealthy, artificial ice candies laced with color and preservatives.

Now, you can relive those good old days with Skippi’s ice pops!


Stay Tuned for Awesome D2C Stories!

From innovative beverages to eco-friendly products and delicious snacks, these brands offer something for everyone.

We encourage you to explore their websites and try their products for yourself. Who knows, you may discover your new favorite brand!

8 Best Shark Tank India Products Easily Available Online on Amazon


Shark Tank India is a reality TV show that provides a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to pitch their innovative ideas and products to a panel of investors. Over the years, the show has introduced us to some of the most innovative and impressive products in India by talented founders. These products range from being tasty, and stylish, and even solving everyday problems.

In this list, we have compiled the top 8 products from Shark Tank India, that you can easily purchase on Amazon India online. From unique food products to innovative gadgets, these products are an insignia of eCommerce success.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into the top 8 Shark Tank India products that you can purchase on Amazon India.

1. Hammer Electric Toothbrush

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One of the most interesting and exciting deals for Shark Tank India products was between entrepreneur Rohit Nandwani and the renowned shark Aman Gupta. It was evident from the pitch that Rohit was a big fan of Aman and was determined to secure a deal with him, which he ultimately did. Rohit’s company, Hammer Lifestyle, which previously focused on producing headphones and smartwatches, has now shifted its attention to developing a smart electric toothbrush.

The Hammer Electric Toothbrush is a product that has been designed to cater to the needs of people who are conscious about their oral hygiene. The toothbrush is not only aesthetically pleasing but also comes with a host of features meant to revolutionize how people brush their teeth.

Overall, the Hammer Electric Toothbrush is an innovative and practical product that has the potential to transform the oral hygiene industry. It is no wonder why Rohit was so determined to secure a deal with Aman Gupta.

2. Kerala Banana Chips


‘Beyond Snack’ has taken the love for banana chips up a notch with their innovative product. Most of us savor the taste of banana chips, it is one of the best snacks that we usually buy from local shops. However, ‘Beyond Snack’ has done something new by introducing its unique brand of banana chips in the D2C community.

What sets them apart from the usual banana chips found in local shops is that their chips are made exclusively from healthy Nendran bananas, which are known for their high nutritional value. Moreover, the ‘No Hand Touch’ process ensures that the chips are processed without any human contact, which ensures hygiene and cleanliness.

In addition to their health benefits, ‘Beyond Snack’ offers a range of unique and delicious flavors such as Peri Peri and Sour Cream & Onion, which make for a tasty snack option. Whether you’re looking for a quick snack on the go or a healthier alternative to your regular snacking habits, ‘Beyond Snacks’ banana chips are definitely worth trying out. So, if you’re a fan of banana chips, why not give ‘Beyond Snack’ a try and taste the difference for yourself?

3. Menstrupedia Educational Comic for Girls


Aditi Gupta, a visionary entrepreneur, recognized the need for young girls to learn more about menstruation and the associated issues. With this in mind, she founded ‘Menstrupedia’, a comic book that provides a fun and easy way for young girls to learn and understand menstruation through an engaging comic book.

Through the ‘Menstrupedia Educational Comic for Girls’, Aditi aims to empower young girls with knowledge and information about their bodies and the changes they go through as they enter adolescence. By providing an engaging and interactive platform that educates and raises awareness about the menstrual cycle and related issues, Aditi is leading the charge in breaking down the taboos and stigmas that surround menstruation.

4. Beyond Water


‘Beyond Water’ is an innovative product that provides a solution for people who find drinking plain water unappealing. Often, people struggle to drink the recommended amount of water every day due to its tasteless nature. However, ‘Beyond Water’ has introduced India’s first liquid enhancer drops that can be mixed with water or soda to make it more flavorful. This product not only adds taste to your drink but also encourages you to drink an adequate amount of water daily.

So, if you’re someone who struggles to drink enough water, give ‘Beyond Water’ a try and make hydration more enjoyable.


5. Women’s Handbag by Modern Myths


Modern Myths is a handbag company that offers trendy bags for both women and men in India. What sets them apart from other fashion brands is their commitment to ethical and sustainable fashion. They use only vegan materials and do not support animal cruelty in any way. Founder Oshina Hans has curated a collection of bags that are not only fashionable but also environmentally conscious.

If you’re looking for a stylish and eco-friendly handbag that does not carry any burden of cruelty or pollution, Modern Myths is definitely worth.

6. Tagz Popped Potato Chips


Tagz Foods aims to revolutionize the snacking industry with its innovative ‘Popped’ potato chips. With their company being the first of its kind in India, Tagz Foods is leading the charge in promoting healthier snacking options. Unlike regular potato chips, Tagz Foods’ ‘Popped’ potato chips contain 50% less fat and have no preservatives, palm oil, or artificial colors.

Moreover, they offer a range of unique and delicious flavors, including classic salted, tangy tomato, and spicy masala. With Tagz Foods, you can indulge in your favorite snack without compromising your health.

If you’re looking for a healthier and guilt-free snacking option, be sure to check out Tagz Foods.

7. Alpino Peanut Butter


‘Alpino’ is a cool brand that believes that all Indians should be able to enjoy the yumminess of peanut butter, just like the rest of the world. Even though peanut butter is a fave food spread by many, most of the peanut butter made in India is sent out of the country. ‘Alpino’ wants to change that by giving us top-notch peanut butter that’s made in India and available for everyone to enjoy.

Their peanut butter is not only delish but also healthy, as it’s got plant-based protein and is vegan and gluten-free. If you’re looking for a healthier and guilt-free peanut butter option, ‘Alpino’ also has an unsweetened version that’s perfect if you’re watching your sugar intake.

8. Motorcycle Bag by Guardians Gears

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‘Guardians Gears’ is a game-changer for men who love their bikes. It can be difficult to find high-quality and affordable motorcycle accessories, but ‘Guardians Gears’ has solved that problem. They offer a range of motorcycle luggage, including the Magnetic Pouch that fits on the tank, complete with a rain cover.

Their products are not only functional but also stylish, providing a perfect blend of form and function. So, if you’re a biking enthusiast looking for high-quality and affordable accessories for your motorcycle, ‘Guardians Gears’ is definitely worth checking out.


Best of D2C Community

So there you have it, the top 8 Shark Tank India products that you can purchase on Amazon India. These products are not only innovative but also practical and useful in everyday life. Whether you’re looking for a healthier snacking option or a stylish handbag, there’s something for everyone on this list.

We hope you had fun reading about these amazing products and are inspired to try them out for yourself. Who knows, you might just discover your new favorite product!

Stay tuned for more!